Data* suggest that acts of hatred, divisiveness and intimidation are on the rise nationally, and there have been incidents on our own campus — regrettably, the murder of LT Richard Collins III is under investigation as a hate crime. Many of us are shaken, upset, and grappling with how to counteract such actions so that our campus can be a constructive place for growing, learning and working.
Toward this end, we invite you to a weekly Wednesday lunchtime discussion series for staff and faculty. This series offers an interactive forum for deepening understanding of this complex problem and working together to identify steps we can take, both individually and collectively, to address it. All faculty and staff members are welcome; drinks and desserts will be provided each week.
What Do You Want to Say to Students?
Many UMD faculty and staff have asked for advice regarding what (if anything) to say about the campus murder of LT Richard Collins III last May. Given recent violence at the University of Virginia, the issue has taken on added significance. This brief handout describes pros and cons of bringing up the topic of LT Collins's murder as well as specific suggestions about what to say — and what NOT to say.
The Alt-Right on Campus: What Students Need to Know, The Southern Poverty Law Center, August 2017.
National Context of White Supremacy: Campus Incidents 2016-2017
A list of incidents and brief descriptions, with references.
Summer 2017 Faculty-Staff Brown Bag Discussions: Summary and Feedback
Below are the session topics and resources from the summer series.
June 21
“What’s happening on campus and across the U.S.?” An honest dialogue about hate incidents at UMD and campuses across the country.
Session materials: Handout (Community Agreement and Student Tweets) and session's PowerPoint
Participant responses to this session
June 28
“But I don’t feel privileged”: What is identity privilege and how does it affect us?
Session Materials: Session PowerPoint
How To Talk About Privilege To Someone Who Doesn’t Know What That Is
Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism–from Ferguson to Charleston
July 5
Creating Cultural and Institutional Change
Session Materials: Creating Institutional and Cultural Change (PPTX)
July 12
Free speech versus hate speech: How do we balance these at a public university?
Facilitators: Dr. Ben Bederson, Executive Director of the Teaching and Learning Transformation Center and faculty member in Dept. of Computer Science; Dr. Ebony Terrell Shockley, Director, Teacher and Leader Certification and Masters Programs and Diversity Officer and faculty member in College of Education; and Dr. Julie Park, Director of Asian American Students and faculty member in Dept. of Sociology
Session Materials: Academic Freedom and Free Speech
Guidance on Sensitive Topics
Hate Bias Incidents: FAQs
July 19
“But what do these issues have to do with my class?” Teaching strategies
This session will consider whether and how to bring up difficult topics and sensitive issues, as well as how to respond to unexpected student comments or questions. Part of the discussion will consider how, when students return to campus, we might address the May 20, 2017 murder of LT Collins. Thanks go to Scott Roberts and Alice Donlan (TLTC) for preparing and leading the session and to Ben Parks (College Park Scholars), Melissa Del Rios (Carillon Communities and Beyond the Classroom programs), Alexis Williams (TLTC) and others for helping to facilitate table discussions.*
*Reflection journals will be available for writing and reflecting in the Chapel Garden of Reflection and Remembrance all afternoon tomorrow for session participants or others to continue to their thinking about today's session.
July 26
Self and Community Care in Midst of Racial Trauma, Dr. Carlton Green, University Counseling Center
Session Materials: White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo,International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, Vol 3 (3) (2011) pp 54-70
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard to Talk to White People About Racism
White fragility is real: 4 questions white people should ask themselves during discussions about race
6 Deep-Breathing Apps to Keep You Calm and Focused
August 2
“But that wasn’t my intention…” Intentions, impact, and restoring relationships
August 2 Sesson Feedback
August 9
“Where are WE now?” What can we do as faculty and staff?
Session Materials: Solutions in Action: UMD-Collective Wisdom Summer 2017
Take Aways from the Solutions in Actions sessions
UMD Collective Wisdom August 9th Table Discussion: Question: What will you say or do regarding LT Collins's murder when students return to campus?
August 16
What does March: Book Three Have to Say to Me/My Campus Unit: Using the First Year Book to Talk within Departments/Units.”
The First Year Book Program
Co-sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Studies, the Teaching and Learning Transformation Center, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and ADVANCE.