Cadet Professional Training Program
Department of Defense Internships
Internship opportunities include:
Engineering Internships
This internship is sponsored by the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE). This program is sponsored and funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Cadet will typically work in USACE District (Battalion or Brigade Command equivalent, usually in a resident office (construction office) working on civil, mechanical, electrical, or environmental engineering projects. Districts are located all across the US (36 Districts), and OCONUS (5 Districts). Projects support US Army or Air Force installations (military construction) or state and local communities (civil works-dams, levees, navigation, etc.). Cadets may perform engineering functions such as design, project management, project engineer, construction representative (Quality Assurance), GIS, and more. Program focus is engineering majors. Majority of slots focus on civil, mechanical and environmental engineering; however, all engineers should apply. Applicants are slotted based on host requirements. Slots are requested based on the applicant's majors. Usually there are many more available slots than Cadets; so many possibilities are available to choose from.
Cadets in the EIP may serve at locations within the continental United States (CONUS) or outside the continental United States (OCONUS).
- Enrollment in a science, computer or engineering program
- GPA 2.5 or better in academic major.
- Meet current APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and during attendance.
- MS III Cadets have priority. However MS IV Cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
- Possess an approved secret or interim security clearance at the time of application submission. Packet is incomplete if this prerequisite is not met.
Army Science Board
The Army Science Board is a Federal Advisory Committee organized under the Federal Advisory Committee Act. It is the Department of the Army senior scientific advisory body chartered in 1977 to replace the Army Scientific Advisory Panel. The ASB advises and makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Army, the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Assistant Secretary of the Army Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASAALT), the Army Staff, and major Army commanders on scientific and technological matters of concern to the Army. The Secretary of the Army delegates oversight authority to the ASAALT, who functions as the ASB Director. The Army Science Board, working with the U.S. Army Cadet Command, has established an internship program to offer research, practical experimental work and leadership experience to ROTC Cadets.
The ASBIP is a three-phase internship:
- Plenary Phase-Normally held each year in early spring in northern Virginia (no Cadet participation)
- Conference Phase-Held at the Beckman Center, Irvine, CA (two weeks)
- Panel Reports Phase-Washington, DC (two weeks)
- Enrollment in any science academic major.
- Display an interest in Research and Development or Science and Technology.
- Maintain Grade Point Average (GPA) 3.0.
- Meet current APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and during attendance.
- Routinely operate Microsoft Office and the Internet.
- Possess an approved security clearance in the level of secret or higher or interim secret clearance at the time of application submission. Submit verification of clearance to the USACC CTLT Program Manager
Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Internship Program
The Office of the Army Surgeon General sponsors the program. Cadets are assigned to Medical Department Activities (MEDDAC) and Medical Centers (MEDCEN). The purpose of the AMEDDIP is to offer a Cadet insight into the Army Medical Facilities and exposure to leadership in the medical arena. Cadets are assigned to a preceptor and work under their direct supervision and direction of an AMEDD officer.
Target Population:
Cadets pursuing academic majors in: Audiology, Clinical Lab, Dietetics, Environmental Science, Laboratory, Nutrition Care, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pathology, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Pre-Dental, Pre-Optometry, Preventive Medicine, Psychology, Social Work, Toxicology, Veterinary Medicine may apply for this internship. Other specialty areas may be available. For more information about special areas please email the CTLT Program Manager.
Cadets in the AMEDDIP may serve at locations within the continental United States (CONUS) or outside the continental United States (OCONUS). CONUS locations include, but are not limited to: Ft. Benning, GA ; Ft. Bliss, TX ; Ft. Eustis, VA ; Ft. Leavenworth; Ft. Lewis, WA ; Ft. Sam Houston, TX ; and Walter Reed Army Medical Center, MD . OCONUS Locations include, but are not limited to: Landstuhl Medical Center, Germany, Tripler Army Medical Center, HI, and Wurzburg, Germany . Locations and positions available change annually.
- Cadets with a Nursing Academic Major are not authorized to apply for this internship.
- Enrolled in an academic major that matches the specific type of internship.
- Have a desire to be commissioned to the Army Medical Department (AMEDD).
- GPA of 2.5 or better in academic major.
- MS III Cadets have priority. However MS IV Cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
Chaplainry Internship Program
The Chaplainry Internship Program (CHIP) is for MSL IIIs interested in pursuing an academic delay to become an Army Chaplain.
Cadets in CHIP may serve at locations within the continental United States (CONUS) or outside the continental United States (OCONUS).
- GPA 3.0 or better in academic major consistent with entry into the academic delay program.
- Meet current APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and during attendance.
- MS III Cadets have priority. However MS IV Cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
Research Internship Program
This internship is not sponsored by a specific agency. Rather, this program places Cadets in internships with the Army's research and development labs across the country. All MSL III Cadets in research or technical programs are encouraged to apply or an internship.
Cadets in RIP may serve at Ft. Belvoir, VA.
- Enrollment in a science, computer or engineering program.
- GPA 3.0 or better in academic major.
- Meet current APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and during attendance.
- MS III Cadets have priority. However MS IV Cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
- Possess an approved secret or interim security clearance at the time of application submission.
Public Affairs Officer Internship Program
Cadets serve as an advanced trainee in public affairs receiving on-the-job training. Assignments are designed to provide experience and knowledge that will develop the incumbent for public affairs work at a higher level. Cadets interview and confer with functional experts and project specialists to obtain background data and information for use in writing assigned articles and stories for Cadet Command and for release to local, regional and national news media. Cadets organize, write, and edit material to be used in news releases on routine events of non-controversial subjects for the news media. Cadets have an opportunity to plan page layouts and select photographs and other illustrative material to attract readers. As competence in work increases, assignments advance in scope and complexity.
Cadets in PAOIP may serve at Ft. Knox, KY, Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA, or Ft. Monroe, VA.
- Enrolled in a Public Affairs or Marketing degree.
- Meet current APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and during attendance.
- MS III Cadets have priority. However MS IV Cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
- GPA of 2.5 or better in academic major.
Forensic Internship Program
The National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) located in Largo, Florida, exposes Cadets to biometric and forensic capabilities. During a two week training period, Cadets would be exposed to and taught how to examine fingerprints, tire tracks, and footwear impressions, as well as explosives detection, chemical analysis, media exploitation, IED investigation, and deployable forensic laboratories and capabilities. The training will consist of mandatory lecture viewing via podcasts prior to the Cadet's arrival at NFSTC. Upon arrival at NFSTC the knowledge delivered via the podcasts will be taught in a hand on manner in the NFSTC laboratories and facilities.
Cadets in FIP will serve in Largo, Florida at the campus of the NFSTC.
- Enrolled Forensic Science or Criminology Program or planning on branching MP or Engineer.
- Meet current APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and during attendance.
- GPA of 2.5 or better in academic major.
- MS III Cadets have priority. However MS IV Cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
Intelligence and Security Command Internship Program
Cadets will be placed in G3 plans, G3 Ops and Training, G1, G4 , or a general MI section working on MI products. Cadets will be working with Soldiers and civilians with in INSCOM on intelligence products that inform DoD leadership on national security issues.
Cadets in INSCOMIP will serve at Ft. Belvoir, VA.
- Interested in branching MI.
- Hold a Top Secret clearance or have an Interim TS.
- Meet current APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and during attendance.
- GPA of 2.5 or better in academic major.
- MS III Cadets have priority. However MS IV Cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
- Possess an approved Top Secret or interim top security clearance at the time of application submission. No exceptions.
Joint Training Counter-IED Operations Integration Center Systems Integration Modeling and Simulation Internship Program
The JTCOIC SIMS produce training content for the DoD, Inter-Agency, and Allied organizations for use in individual, institutional, and collective training domains. Cadets will work in the directorate that is responsible for 3d physical model development, virtual terrain development, game engine improvements, and battlefield event recreation scenarios. Cadets are placed in positions to help throughout the directorate based on their background. If Cadets have any programming experience they will assist with gaming improvements; art background - model development; geography - terrain; and gaming which would help in our scenario development efforts.
Cadets in JTCOICSIMSIP will serve in Newport News, VA.
- Enrolled in Computer Science or Engineer programs or have experience with computer programming.
- Meet current APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and during attendance.
- Hold a Secret clearance or have an interim secret clearance.
- GPA of 2.5 or better in academic major.
- MS III Cadets have priority. However MS IV Cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy.
Nurse Summer Training Program
Cadets with an Academic Major of Nursing are the only Cadets eligible to apply for this program. Cadets are assigned to Army Medical Facilities both in the continental United States (CONUS) and outside the continental United States (OCONUS) including Europe . NSTP provides nursing Cadets with opportunities to develop and practice leadership in a clinical environment. Cadets work side-by-side with an Army Nurse Corps Officer preceptor. To qualify, Cadets must submit an application packet through their Brigade Nurse counselor to the Cadet Command Chief Nurse.
Cadets applying for this program must be certified in Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS- Provider level) and certification may not expire prior to the completion of NSTP training.
- Brook Army Medical Center (BAMC) San Antonio, TX.
- Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) Honolulu, HI.
- Darnall Army Community Hospital Ft. Hood, TX.
- Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC)Washington, DC.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center Ft. Gordon, GA.
- William Beaumont Army Medical Center (BAMC) El Paso, TX.
- Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Landstuhl (LRMC), Germany.
- Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) Ft. Bragg, NC.
- Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC) Ft. Lewis, WA.
- Set by US Cadet Command Nursing Chief Nurse.
National Nuclear Security Administration
The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office of Defense Programs offers a suite of activities to enhance collaboration between NNSA's eight sites and the U.S. Military Academies and ROTC programs at other universities. These programs are administered at NNSA and executed at NNSA sites, including the labs, production facilities and the Nevada National Security Site. At each location, leading-edge research and development is carried out on key national security technologies critical to the United States and its allies. Programs include science, technology and engineering essential to sustaining the nation's arsenal of nuclear weapons, plus a wide array of work on other efforts for the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, among others, plus exquisite support to the Intelligence Community.
- Kansas City Site Office at the Kansas City Plant, Kansas City, Missouri
- Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Livermore, California
- Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Nevada Site Office, Nevada Test Site, outside Las Vegas, Nevada
- Pantex Site and Plant Office, Amarillo, Texas
- Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Livermore, California
- Savannah River, Aiken, South Carolina
- Y-12, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- Enrollment in a science, computer or engineering program.
- GPA 3.0 or better in academic major.
- Meet current APFT and height/weight standards at the time of application and during attendance.
- MS III Cadets have priority. However MS IV Cadets graduating December or later may apply as an exception to policy. MSII Cadets may apply for this internship due to the length, which may prevent MSIII's from applying.
- Possess an approved secret or interim security clearance at the time of application submission.
- Cadets must apply directly with NNSA at NNSA has a separate selection process from the previous internships.
- Notify G3 HQ Cadet Command of your acceptance into the program.
Rapid Equipping Force Internship Program
The United States Army Rapid Equipping Force rapidly provides capabilities to Army forces employed globally through current and emerging technologies in order to improve operational effectiveness. Technology Management Mission: Provides science and technology analysis to the Director, Rapid Equipping Force, and collaborates technology searches and gathering with other Government agencies, academia, vendors, and foreign countries. Searches for current to near-term emerging technologies and collaborates their development to support Soldiers. Is the single point of entry for vendors to the REF, coordinating and assessing unsolicited technology proposals. Opportunities may exist for extended internships beyond the standard four weeks.
Cadets will serve at Fort Belvoir, VA.
- Enrollment in any science or engineering academic major.
- Interest in research and development or science and technology.
- Possess a secret or higher clearance at time of application submission.
- Maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0.
- Meet current APFT and height/weight standards.