About Carillon

Carillon Communities is a one-year living-learning program where first year students work with faculty to ask Big Questions that matter to our world, and learn to use teamwork and creative problem solving approaches.

In Carillon, you will:

Fall Semester

Live with your community and complete the two Carillon Courses

Carillon Community Course
  • 3 credit course for each community
  • Addresses the community Big Question
  • Contributes to UMD General Education 
Carillon Studio Courses
  • 1 credit course for all Carillon Students
  • Taught in small sections
  • Introduces University resources and develop a Maryland Plan

Both courses teach creative problem solving, teamwork and communication. These are skills demanded of successful students in all majors and careers. Carillon courses are designed to complement your intended major and fullfill general education credits.

Spring Semester

  • Live with your community

  • Participate in social events on your floor

  • Participate in Carillon leadership opportunities

  • Begin to implement your MD plan with support from Carillon faculty and instructors.

I was able to meet a lot of my close friends on my floor and it is nice to be able to communicate and work with them in both my Community Course and the Carillon Studio course.

  • Live and learn with a community, helping you cultivate friendships and making the big campus feel small
  • Students participating in Language, Once and Future Planet, Visualizing Knowledge and Weather and Climate will reside in Easton Hall
  • Students participating in Arts and Activism, iGive, Freedom Fighting, Free Speech, and Riots reside in Elkton Hall

exterior of Easton Hall
exterior of Elkton Hall

The construction of the course was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The class was small and intimate, creating the perfect environment for discussion. I found myself entirely engaged in the class’ significant questions. 

  • Work with a faculty expert on a Big Question
  • Engage with relevant sources (eg. speakers from NASA and the Smithsonian, library special collections, research data)
  • Learn teamwork, skills and problem solving skills while working in diverse teams to creatively address aspects of the course Big Question

exterior of Easton Hall
exterior of Elkton Hall

Through working with a team of my peers I have considered different courses, internship opportunities and career paths. The design of the Studio course allows you to make your wildest dreams into realistic dreams through the coursework at Maryland.

  • Learn skills to make teamwork effective, efficient and successful
  • Learn steps and strategies of creative problem solving — then apply to your personal Big Question: "How will I use my time at UMD?"
  • Design a Maryland plan that is unique to your interests, including coursework and extra-curricular activities

whiteboard with Design My Maryland words and sketches