Sumbitting Your Interest Inventory Form

Step 1: Log in to your myCoalition account and navigate to College List and select “Checklist” in the University of Maryland box:

Step 2: Navigate to the bottom of the page and click the question mark next to Carillon Communities:

Step 3: Click on the “Carillon Communities Interest Inventory” link:

Step 4: Fill out the form and click “Submit”:

You will then see a window confirming your submission went through:

You will also receive a confirmation email. Please allow 24 hours to receive this email:

If for some reason your submission did not go through, you will receive an email alerting you:

*If you do not receive any email, please email to confirm your submission was successful.

*Please note this DOES NOT confirm your attendance to UMD. You will need to confirm your intent to enroll by clicking on the link provided in your online decision letter that can be accessed through your myCoalition account.*